A time capsule of water,
gold & Western Australia
A project from the National Trust of WA
A self-guided drive trail between the Perth Hills and Western Australia’s Eastern Goldfields. Go with the Flow. Follow the water to discover more about the audacious goldfields water supply scheme and Engineer CY O’Connor.
“Future generations, I am quite certain will think of us and bless us for our far seeing patriotism, and it will be said of us, as Isaiah said of old, ‘They made a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert”
As the railway line made its way east, Bodallin took over as the railhead from Burracoppin. Gangers, stores, and shopkeepers took down their tents and re-erected them further down the line.
Like its predecessor, Bodallin boomed. A railway dam fed by a granite outcrop to the west of the town was the reason for its brief, brilliant moment. Then the train moved on. A baker’s oven remains as a reminder that it was once an important stopping place on the journey to the ‘fields.
Next along Great Eastern Highway, Moorine Rock, which has a railway dam too (opposite the Art Deco hotel) was originally named for Parkers Range where gold was discovered. But it is the next town, Southern Cross, that has a starring role in the Heritage Trail’s story of gold and water.
Click on any map section or place below to discover The Golden Pipeline.
Northam to Cunderdin
Explore section two