A time capsule of water,
gold & Western Australia
A project from the National Trust of WA
A self-guided drive trail between the Perth Hills and Western Australia’s Eastern Goldfields. Go with the Flow. Follow the water to discover more about the audacious goldfields water supply scheme and Engineer CY O’Connor.
“Future generations, I am quite certain will think of us and bless us for our far seeing patriotism, and it will be said of us, as Isaiah said of old, ‘They made a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert”
Though few signs of them remain, the railheads of Boorabbin and Woolgangie were once ‘a constant maelstrom of men, animals, coaches, wagons and dust punctuated and activated by the whistle of the arriving trains’.
Even before the trainline extended this far, this section was a busy thoroughfare with men going to and from the fields. They would stop at condensers set up in the bush to pay exorbitant prices for life-giving water for their animals and themselves.
With no existing towns to distract you nowadays, this is the opportunity to appreciate the attractions offered by nature in this section Like prospector John Aspinall, writing in his diary in 1895, you may notice ‘the country has a more fertile appearance and is very undulating, abounding in granite outcrops’. Boorabbin National Park straddles Great Eastern Highway for 30 kilometres. Take advantage of the rest areas to get out of your vehicle and have a look around.
Boorabbin National park lies within the Great Western Woodlands, the largest remaining area of intact Mediterranean climate woodland left on ...
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Northam to Cunderdin
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